
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Flu, schmu.....boo hoo hoo

Guess I bragged a tad too much on Sunday.

We had had a great day...church, lunch & a movie with good friends, a little work, dinner with the fam and another movie at home. All in all, a great day.

hangin out...bieber style...

Monday was bound to perfect:
Little people didn't have school, I could meet up with the current remodel with the kids (a double plus plus), our afternoon was packed with tennis, chiropractor, and first softball practice, but it was ok, or so I thought....

I had allowed 15 minutes between everything, we may be a tad rushed, but it's ok, we would make it.

Then the crying began....her heard hurt, she wasn't hungry, her tummy hurt, she was cold, her throat hurt...if her throat is in her elbow, and all she wanted to do was go home and 'go to bed'.

Rut ro...all while we were going over lighting. She was warm, very warm. Proceeded to load everyone and everything up and go home.

102.2 + Tylenol + nap = wiped out four year old.

Call Dr. G, and they said to head over at 415.
Yes, 415...

No problem, I have managed to be in more than one place at once...but not four.

Call in the reinforcements, and so thankful for the mister's mom who came to my rescue to watch the little mister while the oldest was at tennis.

Strep a negative, flu a positive...Awesome. And by now she had a nap, Tylenol, and fever had dropped some. So as she was spinning on the Dr's chair, the PA was more in shock that she had the flu because of how happy she was.
No school or activities till next week, sweet...even better.

Drive like a mad woman to get the other little people who are standing on the curb of the misters mothers house, load them in without putting the car in park, race like a mad woman to the chiro, rush them in and out without even talking, peel out to be five minutes late to softball....sigh...oh yeah, forgot about supper. Thank God for the mister, who calls and says he will take care of it (and he did the dishes, a double bonus!).

Planning on taking pics of the tallest of the little people, but they were too far out, so...

managed a smile...

First practice...

When the Tylenol and tamiflu kicks in, just sometimes you can still manage to be a little silly...

Ended the Monday with a fierce game of skipbo with the mister and a very short night...

Up to a day full of Sponge Bob and A LOT of holding..


to another Crazy tomorrow,