I need to backtrack a bit, between remodeling posts, and show pictures of the paper goods from the last party that was thrown by my friend.
These are pics of the banner I made for the 'Vintage Cherry' themed party for her. I will be posting more of the rest of the party and paper goods...patience grasshopper...
So stinkin' excited about teachers gifts this year!
I had debated for a little while and decided to give an oilcloth-type bag. They all need bags to tote stuff in and around school & for field trips right?
The decision was a bag, personalized stationary, and a name tag....and I'm loving the way it all turned out!
Can't complain much...I did get an awesome, brand spankin new Mac (that the little people and the Mister surprised me with by wrapping it up in the box that the tube came in, love!)....which I am giddy about, and we had a blast.
We had already dropped off all of the mother's day cards on Friday, so that we were ready to go in the first thing on Sunday...
Snapped this while at a red light. What is more disturbing, that she LOVES this mag or that I have NO idea where it came from??? Feeding the ducks while waiting on the tube... da ducks.. There's the 'go' sign... Getting wild..it's how we roll... Now we are smiles Time to head home...