The Mister and myself recently received an invite, from another couple, to join them for a weekend trip to Oklahoma City to go to a concert.
Not just any concert.
A country concert.
I don't know exactly how to feel about this. I do not listen to country...not anything even close. Well, maybe what I listen to has a guitar in it, but that may be as close as it gets.
I am all about getting out of town, so I wasn't about to let it pass by. The tickets were for Rascal Flatts and I used to have their first CD, who didn't? And with their songs playing everywhere, movies etc. and every station, I convinced myself it wouldn't be bad. I LOVE music. It is on constantly in our house, my car, while we get ready for the day...all the time. It will be ok, it will be ok, it will be ok...
That is till I have to decide what to wear...Seriously? I'm not about to go and 'wrangle' (as the mister says) up some cowgirl boots. We (Belinda & myself) decided we would be just as happy to stick out like a set of sore thumbs. So that solved one problem.
The other was the music.
Thankfully, one of my besties, Cowgirl Leslie, 'wrangled' up some songs and made us as cd to listen to on the way, only to tell me later she would quiz me on them when we got back...
Off we go, making only a few pit stops along the way for the necessities...

Downtown and the 'mostest beautifulest' piano ever...

After it started, I soon realized that I should of tugged the Nikon in. I actually didn't think I would be allowed to bring it in, but evidently you could. I kept seeing small groups of paparazzi everywhere. Oh well, the Sony would have to do.
Get along 'lil doggy...

On Sunday when we were driving, I casually mentioned to the Mister that we could stop by a casino on the way home if he wanted.
Well guess what....we happened to find one, yeehaw...

And look how close we had made it to home before we stopped, oh well...

But nothing beats a west Texas sunset...

To another crazy tomorrow,