I have been wanting to start a series for a while now, along with a good friend, and after talking with her, and getting my thoughts together, I think I MIGHT have got it.....just maybe.
(don't laugh....clearly, I am NOT a good writer, and it's late)
I wanted this to be about YOUR & MY personal style. A lot of people feel as if you need to dress a certain way, or they lose their style after having a baby or running kids around every which way. Don't get me wrong, there is an appropriate way to dress, especially when at different events. But that doesn't me you have to totally change your personal style all together. You still need to be YOU (I'm preaching to myself here).
I feel as if I have many looks, it just depends on the day...and what my job is for the day ;).
A lot of my so called outfits, that come into my wardrobe a lot, and don't necessarily define me or my style is:
'When it's super duper cold'
'When it's insanely hot'
'I don't wanna'
and last but not least... 'the mom clothes'
I just pray that I don't have any of the last one mentioned...the mister might disagree though.
I try, I really do, to be, in some way, thrifty with what I buy. But, I do have some things that I think, for me, are worth the splurge.
Worth it:
A few nice dresses
Athletic/Running shoes
A nice handbag
Maybe not so much:
Everyday tops
Flip flops
Hair Accessories
A bag to throw everything in to hurry out the door
Here is my problem. I do NOT have one definite style. It ranges from rocker chic, to modern, to boho chic, to classic....sigh.... depends on my mood when I wake up, and the weather.
My plan is, for now anyways, to post once a week, where I challenge you to be you, and I'll (try, anyways;)) be me. I'll post either the brand or where the clothing, shoes and accessories came from. MOST come from my closet that I have had!
This week's pick is a dress. Oh, how I truly do love dresses in the summer. They are so super easy to put on and comfy. Mine are, for the most part, casual enough but I can go anywhere during the day and not worry about being under dressed....pure awesomeness...
(two warnings....I AM extremely white and HATE, absolutely HATE pictures of myself...so bear with me. And number two, the 12 year old took the pictures, she didn't quite understand what I was doing!)

(dress:Libertine for Target, shoes:Dexter, bangles:Vanity, Earrings & Necklace:F21, Sunglasses:Icing)
Be sure to check out my partner in crime on this series, and so many others things, Oak House 5, to see what she is wearing.
To another crazy day,